26 September 2020 11:00
Nature is the most beautiful work of art on earth. Walking through nature, the willow branches looked so beautiful! Woven together into a gate to walk through, this gave the inspiration to design the Tiffany Willow! See how beautiful the glass shade has become: The green and brown shades of nature give a pleasant and soothing feeling. The willow branches as clean lines stylised and "braided" in special tinted glass and finally created into a playful pattern. Take a piece from the outside in!


There are many kinds of willows. Art Deco Trade finds the Willow with Willows super interesting. The branches of this tree are cut off at about 2 metres. The tree remains only with the trunk and is then called Pollard Willow. The trunk looks diligent and capricious and the older the tree, the more capricious the stump. The truncated wig of the tree is loved by birds to build nests in. Little owls and mallards like to breed in old hollow pollard willows. Also martens and bats prefer the tree as a sleeping place and shelter. In spring, when the willow sprouts again, it can teem with bees and bumblebees that after a long winter finally experience the taste of nectar and pollen again.

Tiffany Tafellamp Willow

De wilgentenen die afgezaagd zijn, komen goed terecht. Van deze loten worden de mooiste manden, schermen en andere ambachtelijke kunstwerken gevlochten! Wilgentenen kunnen ook eenvoudig in de grond worden gestoken en als de condities goed zijn, lopen zij uit en groeien uit tot volwassen bomen. Mooi zo'n landschap met wilgen; water, slootjes en wuivend groen in een echt natuurgebied. Logisch dat dit groene natuurlijke concept als voorbeeld stond voor het ontwikkelen van de Coloured by Art© lamp WILLOW!!! See the lamp here.